The addition of the equine hydrotherapy centre and with Natasha and Emma depth of knowledge of sports and race horses uniquely repositions Marston Stud as one of the leading rehabilitation facilities in the UK.
The chilled water treadmill and spa are integral to our all round approach to ensuring that horses can return to and achieve peak performance in their chosen discipline following a rehabilitation programme carefully devised for each horse. This will be enhanced by the necessary physiotherapist, chiropractic or osteopathic therapies as required.
With the use of conditioning programmes we can specifically target core strength, stamina and asymmetry.
The rehab yard offers large well ventilated boxes the majority of which have dual aspect views. We also have an extra large double stable for those requiring more leg room and currently have 2 more corale boxes under construction for this purpose.
Established in 1956 by Natasha’s grandfather, John Sumner, the Stud has 100 acres of post and rail paddocks ranging from nursery paddocks through to large fields for groups of horses. We can also cater for those horses requiring cage turn-out.
© 2025 Marston Stud, Marston St. Lawrence, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 2DA - Tel: +44 (0)7747 234 845 - Email: - Website by Technique Web
Horses are carefully introduced to the water treadmill with care taken to ensure that even the most nervous horse enjoys and benefits from the experience. The water depth initially starts about hoof height and over several weeks progresses (where applicable) to hock or even elbow height. All horses, no matter what their chosen discipline can improve from regular use of the water treadmill.
Click here for more information about Equine Hydrotherapy.
Our chilled water spa maintains temperature at around 7*C It is extremely useful in helping to reduce exercise induced inflammation, soft tissue injuries, such as a kick or a knock, and post exercise to alleviate concussion. Cryotherapy has been clinically proven to reduce the post exercise inflammatory response which is known to lead to micro damage to joint surfaces and micro concussion to bones and feet. This will speed recovery time leaving horses feeling fresher post competition/work out. The hydrostatic pressure aids lymphatic drainage and therefore the waste products associated with exercise.
Personally, I have noticed a big improvement in own my horses’ legs returning to “normal” post competition. We have also had great results in horses that have knocked themselves in difficult to ice areas.
Osteopathy is based on the principle that “structure governs function”. Through precise observation and targeted palpationation Natasha is able to assess the type of treatment required to enable each individual horse to regain it’s full athletic potential. Each horse is assessed statically with a through palpation of the limbs and major muscle groups as well as testing range of movement. During this time Natasha will take a detailed case history asking about previous accidents, illnesses and operations. This will also cover saddle fit , shoeing and any behaviours or patterns noticed while ridden. The horse is then assessed dynamically noting the biomechanics of each limb, footfall, posture and moment of the back and pelvis. With my conclusions taken by combining all the above information, I will 1 st massage the horse before beginning to manipulate the horse to improve range of movement as required. A detailed written report is then produced before beginning some relaxation techniques and stretches, with a take home program for each horse to continue its rehabilitation and reeducation of its body.
Equine Therapy includes a wide range of treatments, such as Manual therapy, soft tissue mobilisations, Chiropractic techniques , massage and electrotherapy (e.g. laser, pulsed magnetic field, TENS, EMS), which are used individually and/or in combination as needed. This range of treatments is used for health maintenance and prevention, as well as in rehabilitation and for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.
Installation Spring ‘23.
This 10 horse Walker will make a perfect addition to replace our existing 5 horse Walker. This Walker is designed to benefit the horse and place less emphasis on turning with its as target and with its straight and curved lay out to mimic a horse’s more natural movement. It automatically alters direction preventing one sided strain on joints. This adds another modality for us to exercise horses without the weight of a rider. It will increase stamina and allow another form of exercise for the stabled horse not yet allowed turn-out, for example, post castration or recovering post surgery.
VT vet services headed up by Helen Van Tuyll provide an excellent package for all horses here at Marston
Alternatively we are equally happy for your own vet to visit and liaise closely with them to follow up on assessment during your horses stay
Equine weigh scales that enable us to carefully monitor a horse’s weight during their stay.
We are lucky enough to benefit from 2 arenas. The indoor measuring 17 x 27m is perfect for hand walking and lunging. It can also be used to turn horses out for a roll and a leg stretch. The larger outdoor arena measures 25x60m is also used for lunging but enables us to have a safe environment to start long reining in before progressing to the avenue and fields. Both are surfaced with Martin Collins sand and fibre unwaxed Fibretrack. A BHRA (British Horse Racing Authority) and FEI approved surface.
See for more info
We also have an excellent Chapman arena leveller essential to ensure that the surfaces remain level and even-vital for effective rehab. This has a grading bar at the front to level out the lumps, 2 quad bike tyres to ensure even weight distribution of the grader and prevent ruts forming in the surface, 2 rows of tines to scuffle the surface and a crumble roller to pat the surface down again
Wearable drug-free device to support the body’s own repair process and reduce pain via a complex series of imperceptible micro currents. They have been successfully used to treat conditions including:
-Alleviation of arthritic symptoms
-Speeds healing times in tendon and suspensory injuries and fractures
-Reduces feeling of stiffness and promotes general well being.
-Natasha has successfully used it on herself post surgery
See for more info
FMBS activity med pulsed electromagnetic therapy and massage rug
These rugs, through PEMT and the different pulsed electromagnetic frequencies increase circulation aiding repair and healing of soft tissue injuries. They also help to warm horses up and aid pain relief. The rug also includes massage programs to improve circulation, oxygenating the blood and helping to remove waste products form exercise via blood and lymphatic systems to help promote general well being and feel good factor to the horse.
This can be added onto a spa or water treadmill session.
The pasture on the stud is long established and well maintained layers that have been specifically cultivated to provide both nutritionally suitable plants but also those which provide good root structure to prevent the paddocks being “chewed up” in wet weather. They are regularly “poo picked” along with seasonally required maintenance of rolling, spiking and fertilising with digestate from our own anaerobic digester. We also have a local shepherd who grazes the paddocks with his commercial flock of sheep to maintain even grass growth rates and prevent areas of stale grass developing. They also help control parasite control.
We use our own home grown hay and haylage. This is cut from fields specifically planted for this purpose with annually planted Italian Ryegrass. This ensures that they are 100% guaranteed free from weeds. We also make hay and haylage less nutritious longer established pasture for those horses who require more roughage and less protein. This can be fed steamed from our Haygain steamer as required.
Our Drimee solarium – to be installed Dec 22 with its 12 infra red bulbs it helps premote blood circulation and cellular metabolism, helps break down lactic acid thereby reducing muscle stiffness, helps muscles respond better to massage.
Visit the Drimee website.